Only Photo of Lincoln Giving the Gettysburg Address (find him?)
I have frittered away the time since I formally retired from everything. In that period, I really spent a lot of time just recovering from decades of working hard, frankly much too hard. I came to understand that there are no prizes giving for working like a dog constantly. Balance is needed - even if it seems such a pain in the neck. I've now starting thinking about what I shall concretely do during retirement. One part of retirement that I have already put into place comes from the practice of Transcendental Meditation - for reasons of health and focus. I really enjoy meditating, especially in this scientifically proven method.
There are many methods of meditation. I came upon Transcendental Meditation because it was an effortless approach. I have found that it has already given me insights, learning, and an awareness of how to relax and lose tension. I have now practiced this for twenty minutes, two times every single day.
I am studying the Scriptures more every week and will continue to do so. But I want to plunge into an area of learning where I only know surface things, and not really anything in depth. I'm starting with Lincoln because he is so fascinating, brilliants, and one of our top three Presidents according to most surveys. We have all been exposed to terrible presidents, now I want to learn more about the other kind, the great ones.
I'm fascinated by historians such as Doris Kearns Goodwin who would spend years getting to know Lincoln. I will begin with some of her writings and just continue from there. You'll know if I continue to work by quotes and insights from Lincoln in homilies and talks. I find that there are so many things I want to do, to learn, and just think about - that I worry there will not be enough time to do all that I want to do. I do know that I'll approach different areas of thought in different ways. My initial aim is not to write, but rather to grow - to fill in the blanks where I just do not know enough about certain important areas of life. One important thing is that I want to use this process to have fun - and why not.
I want to grow as a person now that I am truly in retirement mode. I cringe when I hear this phrase applied to people: dead at thirty, buried at eighty. I don't want that to be me.
Since the Cubs won the World Series, I am not searching for things of more consequence to do. One thing I realize - is that I love ideas, books, thinking about thinking. This may be why I am not trying consciouslyto focus and winow down my approach. I also need to make certain that I am not taking this project too seriously - because that might mean that I am not having fun. I want to enjoy my retirement - and the people who are most deeply part of my life.
Jim, stay focused: You can steer yourself in any direction you choose. – Dr Seuss