I am often perplexed when people discover that there is not the equivalent of military discipline in the Church. Letters, emails, irate phone calls arrive which assail things that a priest has said, done, sung, worn, or whatever word you wish. The prevailing sentiment is that the Church should be controlling its priests. All priests should fall into lockstep with the pope. Often, it is more accurate to say that the priest should fall into lockstep with the letter-writer. I think that most good and kind people would be amazed at the letters and communications which can arrive at a parish or the diocese. Few are positive. They are pretty much condemnatory. There is not even the slightest chance for dialogue. And, most intriguingly, if you don't do as the letter writer suggests, then you too are a (fill in the blanks).
The whole idea of the Church as a community of believers in Jesus Christ which is part of this particular parish or diocese is often quite lost. People decry priests who do not listen to their bishop. Or, they decry the priests who do not listen to the letter writer. This is the more popular approach today in letters. It used to be the most severe letter-writers would be from the so-called right wing or ultra-conservative wing. That is no longer true today. Some of the most harsh judgmental letters now come from the so-called left-wing or ultra-liberal wing. This is also true in many of the outlets in Catholic media today as well. The approach is often Attack Attack Attack.
I must confess that, having been around the block a few times in the Church, I have less and less affinity for those who are always in the attack mode. I am far more attracted to and happy to interact with those who are kind. Perhaps it is the aging process, but I really respect and value the ones today who are kind. If you're going to be nasty, arrogant, harsh, judgmental, condemnatory, life is too short. I'm just not going to deal with you. Not everything in the Church, not everything in the parish can be wrapped up into little boxes. Things can be messy, sometimes don't fit, have to be adjusted, and often people must meet each halfway, or even one-tenth of the way.
I am very uncomfortable when some of the people who preach the Gospel really are so judgmental and unkind. I have seen too many of these people want to destroy those who have different views. I am not being melodramatic, but rather just stating some facts. It is really sad.
Now I will step over the line and come close to hysteria on this topic: I am quite sure that Jesus and His Mother agree with me. So there.
TODAY'S GRATITUDE: For people who have raised me up and healed me by their kindness.