A picture speaks a thousand words. True - so you know the name of this ballpark? And you would know how significant it is for me to put this picture in my blog.........
I have come to the sinking realization that my beloved Chicago Cubs will not be in the World Series this year. I have also gone over to the dark side (at least from the perspective of a Cubs fan - and am rooting for Boston.)
Cubs fans and Red Sox fans are not enemies, but rather rivals. Imagine how wonderful our country might be if we could treat those with different political views as rivals and not enemies. After that last sentence, I quickly wrote a few paragraphs on our national political morass. But I deleted them, not because I thought they were wrong or not worth saying, I just think that right now if you ask for decency and respect in politics, you're wasting your breath. I'm not sure the majority of the people care about this today. Maybe we need to get through the next election to see if decency and values have a chance. I hope they do. Pray for our country.
TODAY's GRATITUDE: I just did a wedding. It made me so aware that, even if politics has no decency or good possibilities right now, there are still people willing to commit themselves to honor and responsibility and commitment and love.