I have never given much thought as to whether this popular saying minimizes the differences between male and female geese. I leave it to those more informed to ponder this. In essence, I think that it means that each one deserves the same things - or perhaps - things that apply to one should indeed apply to the other.
This expression came to me as I was listening to one of our political figures lamenting the quality of discourse during the presidential campaign. One political figure said with a perfectly straight face that they could not remember one politician on their side who would use words that are divisive and demeaning. Truth is at a premium during this campaign. Civility on both sides is at a premium. Even though there is a theoretical separation between a campaign and the super-PACS, a candidate is free to denounce what is being put out in behalf of a candidate or a position. Neither side has done so.
So many politicians lie, and lie, and lie. I faithfully look on the internet at the sites that deal with fact checking of statements by politicians. These sites expose the modern truism that, if you repeat something enough times, people will believe it. That happens so many times on both sides.
Are you as frustrated about politics as I am? I used to love the political game. I faithfully watched the debates on both sides of the aisle. When I was much younger, I felt that politics was a very honorable profession. I still believe that it can be - but it is getting harder to believe that way. We need good people to run for office. Our times demand this. But it is getting worse.
I know that this campaign is going to get even uglier now. What a horrible example of citizenship and civility for our young people.
As of today, I really don't like the choices that we have. I have very specific concerns about some moral issues with both the Democrats and the Republicans. One religious commentator noted that he felt politically homeless this election. I certainly feel that way. I also know that reaching moral judgments on practical political questions is complicated - and that religion has been misused in reaching moral conclusions at times in our political discourse. I know that this is heresy to some, but Jesus is neither a Democrat nor a Republican. What conclusions we reach on political issues, we do so uneasily - in a world where we are all touched by sin and evil.
I do get frustrated when I see politicians throw around the phrase "pro-life." Today, I cannot find one candidate who is consistently and thoroughly pro-life. To me, being pro-life is not simply being against abortion. Being pro-life means accepting the whole thing - everything that protects life from natural conception through natural death. Life is sacred, no matter the age, stage, or social condition. Being pro-life means that we are against abortion and also determined to offer every possible assistance so that mothers can bring their children to birth. Being pro-life means that we are determined to support health care for all who cannot afford it. I'm not getting into the political maelstrom of which parts of the present Affordable Health Care legislation should be kept or changed. Rather, let's just honor the principle that affordable health care is really part of being pro-life. Being pro-life involves so many things: life, education, peace, freedom, jobs, etc. The list is endless. The problems are endless. This is why it is so frustrating to listen to the politicians.
Lately, the approach has been to wait until your opponent says something that he did not mean - then out come the ads attacking that candidate when everyone with an ounce of intelligence knows that he did not mean that. It is political sport. It is anything but helpful. I think of the times over the years when I misspoke. The list is staggering. Everyone can misspeak. It happens. Let's deal with the issues. Oh, well.
So today I'm just frustrated. I pray that God helps our country. I pray that politicians will appeal to the nobler parts of our nature than the less noble. I pray for President Obama, Vice President Biden, Governor Romney, and Congressman Ryan. God be good to them. God protect them. God help them.
May they help to reduce and not contribute to the hate that seems to be so prevalent today.